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"Four to FIFTY players"

Oh, gods, please take care of that poor referee's soul!
(Literally laughing out loud.)


One thing to consider is that number doesn't indicate the precise number of players at the table at any one time. It just means that number of players participate in the campaign. For example, when I ran a West Marches game years ago we had 25 players at any one point participating, but usually only 6-7 showed up for an actual game session. Then, the next game had 6-7 players too, but it might be a few different players swapped out or something. 


There were multiple parties with small numbers of players, but they all played in the same 'game world'. A GM didn't run all 50 at once, but, more or less, serially in smaller 'combat units' (parties).


I'm glad to see that robots and androids are still "self-explanatory" in a way lol. Is the hiding Balor stat block intentional? I was pleasantly surprised to see them on some of the tables!


YAYYY i’m so glad that bit isn’t going unnoticed! also now that you bring it up, maybe it would be nice to have stats for the “balor”/balrog (which i just found, woo!)–but it’s also kinda funny to have them in the encounter tables but not actually described. will have to think about it! maybe i can write a description but cross it out to be silly.


So excited to read through this over the weekend


thank you!!!


Gosh I am SO STOKED this has dropped. I’ve been excited for this for SUCH A LONG TIME omg


thank you so much!!!


This is super cool - am I right that this is probably one of the most faithful 74 + miniatures rules retroclones out there?

Love love love the art - perfectly hits that 74 style.

Also, why CC rather than OGL?


thank you, on all accounts! :) CC is just a more open license than OGL, especially since my intent is to treat this as a text rather than as a brand of role-playing games (which OGL is written to handle, specifically)


This is phenomenal! Description of robots, golems, and androids is particularly appreciated.




this is wonderful. Thank you. Wish you also had a way we could “purchase” from you — even a nominal “tip.” I’d rather not download 200+ pages right now, but would love a way to save this masterpiece in my itch library. 


hi, thank you so much! :) that’s a good point and one i’m not sure of how to handle, but i’ll ask around for a solution!


just make the release a PWYW - people can still pay 0 and download it, but people can also send you money

the project is meant to be strictly free to access, especially because multiple people contributed to it on that basis.


Ah, gotcha. Got hung up on the first part of the question, since I saw you'd answered the part about the collection. My b!


i realized that something you can try is adding it to a collection! i’m sorry it’s more out of the way than it being directly in your library, but it’s one way to more easily keep track of it and other free games 😊


thanks! Will try that!! 

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